It's a new year. Hello 2015!
I took a break from blog life and writing during December. Even before that my efforts had been a bit sporadic. {Cross country moves and adjustments can do that to a gal} The Christmas season served as a nice time to unplug and attempt at "refocus."
I haven't made any resolutions.
I have made a few goals.
I don't THINK resolutions and goals are the same thing. They may very well be, but goals seem to be something to work towards, while resolutions are much more something one simply tries to not screw up.
Call me crazy, but as an already high-anxiety person, I'm not generally drawn to things that make me feel like I am going to totally and utterly fail right from the beginning.
My goals are fairly simple this year.
Write every day.
Teach my girls.
Stay Calm.
Take Time.
Read. Enjoy.
And that's about it. They are all actions that I think are going to feed my soul and {as a result} help foster a much richer and more peaceful environment for my family - which I desperately want for this household. The girls are still struggling with transitions and life is generally emotional.
We will aim for passionate stability - a joyous calm.
What are you wanting to do this year? Please, share. I would love to hear about your goals.
I just read an article yesterday about the difference of resolutions and goals. Good luck!