
Book Me!

First things First...apologies all around for the belated post. Yes, yes, I know you were all on the edge of your seats. I too have suffered the severest of disappointments at the absence of a daily post from my most beloved blog authors. My sincerest regrets - as I have been chiefly occupied with a crazy schedule consisting mainly of teaching, running, eating, and brief bouts of sleep.

I recently, however, found time for a few things I love: books mainly.I've been reading a few good ones.

First, I took interest in an etiquette book written for young adults in 1937, Behave Yourself!, after reading one of my friends favorite quotes that she had shared on facebook. Now, I have no idea if the quoted she chose was shared in jest or as a serious recommendation of the book, but my curiosity took the better of me. It was an easy read, full of helpful information and I must say that I am shocked to know (a) how uncouth I am and (b) how so much in the realm of etiquette has changed in the last 70+ years.

I personally, have decided to somehow find and purchase a copy in the interest of my children, who I one day hope will exemplify (among many other things) correct grammar and old-fashioned good social graces.

On recommendation of my new endocrinologist, I have also taken to reading French Women Don't Get Fat. What I thought to be another fad dieting book, is actually more of a how-to-live life enjoying life - savoring all that God has to offer. Disclaimer: I added the spiritual reference to God. However, the book speaks to the heart of things: eating quality and not focusing so much on quantity; staying away from foods whose names resemble those of chemical weaponry; indulging, but realizing that the nature of an indulgence means that it does not happen regularly.

I'm still working on Emma by Jane Austen. It's far from my first read of this book - but this particular read through has been slow-going. But, I am pressing on.

Lastly, I'm reading a book about starting your own home-based craft business - as it is an opportunity I am looking into. Exciting times.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:51 PM

    I'll have to look into that behavior book. People are definately less polite in all manners, these days.
